Tuesday, 13th March 2018
The Greens (WA) environment spokesperson Robin Chapple will today table a petition with over 2000 signatures to parliament calling on members to pass his Bill to ban certain single-use plastics, due to reach second reading stage later this month.
Using the first opportunity of the parliamentary year to do so, Mr Chapple has signalled a clear legislative agenda shift for 2018.
Working with Sea Shepherd Marine Debris Campaign Australia to collect signatures, Mr Chapple said that the bill would create choice for consumers by limiting wasteful single use plastics from entering both landfill and the natural environment.
“We know that by 2050 the volume of plastic in the ocean will be greater than the volume of sea life, which is a heartbreaking and catastrophic outcome,” Mr Chapple said.
“None of the products my Bill seeks to ban exhibit product stewardship, they exist purely for a few minutes convenience and will ultimately end up as landfill, litter or food for marine life.
"What we are initiating is a simple legislative tweak that puts an environmental onus on retailers and makes life easier for consumers who are serious about reducing unnecessary waste.
“Removing single use plastics from the supply chain will create choice by opening up a market for reusable materials and cleaner, more sustainable options.
“There has been a clear groundswell of community action, with individuals, community groups and businesses taking carriage of waste reduction.
“Communities are doing the heavy lifting, whilst the government plays catch-up.
"I'm calling on the government to take this petition very seriously, listen to the people and ban single-use plastics.”
A copy of the petition and associated materials can be found at: www.robinchapple.com/banplasticswa
Media contact: Liam Carter – 0449 151 490