Dear Editor,
Well done to the Environmental Protection Authority for a sensible science-based recommendation against Cameco’s proposed uranium mine at Yeelirrie (Race for Yeelirrie go-ahead before election, 04/08).
It is to be hoped that the Environment Minister respects this intelligent decision and withstands any pressure from within Cabinet or the industry to override it.
If it is correct that would-be WA uranium miners are racing to get projects approved by the Barnett Government before the March State election, then it would be timely to hear from the WA ALP on their stance on this flagging, dangerous industry.
The Greens’ opposition to uranium mining is well known and consistent.
Within a State election eight months away, the electorate has a right to know if the Premier is correct when he claims that the ALP, if it won Government, would not stop a uranium mine proposal that had already been sign off by this Government.
Yours sincerely,
Robin Chapple