Thursday, 27th September 2018
The Greens (WA) have labelled the McGowan Labor Government’s Biodiversity Conservation Regulations a cop out that will leave WA exposed.
The regulations implement the previous Barnett Government’s Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 unchanged, a decision that The Greens’ Environment spokesperson Robin Chapple MLC has slammed.
“This is a Labor Government with the Liberal’s environment policies.
“In the last term of Parliament, Labor was against the Barnett Government’s attempt to introduce this legislation, and rightly so. They joined with The Greens, with community groups, with peak bodies. And now, in Government, we have Barnett’s callous disregard for the environment being enacted by Labor.
“This is disappointing, but we have come to expect this from Labor – they are a very different beast in Government to what they promise while in Opposition.
“Despite explicitly stating as an election promise that it would strengthen the Biodiversity Conservation Act, this appears to have been cast aside.
“Crucially what these regulations allow for is the regulated extinction of species, along with a failure to address any of the causes of habitat loss. Native vegetation clearing and logging are just some of the exemptions.
“I think local conservation groups across WA have a right to be extremely concerned with the direction this Government is choosing to go.”
Media Contact: Liam Carter – 0449 151 490