Wednesday, 8 February 2018
The Greens (WA) spokesperson for Nuclear Issues Robin Chapple has labelled the Supreme Court ruling on the proposed Yeelirrie Uranium mine a hollow victory for the uranium industry.
“Despite the Supreme Court dismissing CCWA’s appeal against the original ministerial endorsement for Yeelirrie, this is not the final roadblock for Yeelirrie and other Uranium mines," Mr Chapple said.
“In fact this decision is only a hollow victory, the uranium industry is on its last legs with bloating costs and increasing competition from renewable alternatives.
“It is incredibly disappointing to see the law rule in favour of an economically untenable, environmentally unsound and highly dangerous project.
“After campaigning against further uranium projects during last year’s election the state government have been alarmingly quiet, they need to develop a stronger position
“Even when the Supreme Court agreed with the EPA that Yeelirrie will cause extinction and fail to meet the objectives of the Environmental Protection Act, they made this decision.
“I tip my hat to CCWA and the traditional owners who initiated this appeal and have fought tirelessly against the risky and ruinous mineral that is Uranium.
“Believe me when I say the fight against Uranium in Western Australia is far from over."
Media contact:
Liam Carter – 0449 151 490